Static files. As their name suggests, static files are the files that don't change. In your average app, this includes CSS files, JavaScript files and images. They can 26 Aug 2017 How to download a pdf file generated from a plot? raghunath August 26, 2017, 11:40am #2. Use Html Link component (from dash-html-components) to provide link for the csv file. Update: Using the flask server route, allows me to download a csv file. this is a nice solution but it just works for “static” data.
26 Aug 2017 How to download a pdf file generated from a plot? raghunath August 26, 2017, 11:40am #2. Use Html Link component (from dash-html-components) to provide link for the csv file. Update: Using the flask server route, allows me to download a csv file. this is a nice solution but it just works for “static” data.
For that time you probbaly need Flask to serve the static files as well. initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes">; How to create a web application using Flask, SQlite database, SQLAlchemy, and Download the predefined database with the meteo data for five cities from the static/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">